Leadership Bootcamp: Summer Cohort

2024 Transformation Challenge

What is it?

A two-month intensive cohort designed to develop the type of leader no organization should be without. This program breaks down the 4 I’s of transformational leadership into actionable steps that when implemented condition you & your team for growth. You’ll walk away understanding how to inspire action, create clear goals, encourage innovation, and build personal leadership strategies for yourself, your organization, and your team.


Actionable Learning

Our course breaks down complex leadership concepts into actionable steps for immediate implementation.

Inspiring Growth

We equip you with the tools to inspire action, encourage innovation, and foster growth within your team.

Personal Strategy

You'll develop a personal leadership strategy tailored to your unique strengths and goals.

Become the Leader Your Organization Can't Do Without

This Leadership Bootcamp equips you with the skills to inspire, innovate, and lead effectively.

Who is this for?

  • New/Aspiring Leaders
  • Anyone looking to learn what it takes to become a catalyst for transformation
  • Managers/Directors/Executives feeling stuck and unsure how to inspire action!

*Group enrollment available.

*Bring the bootcamp to your organization!

What can you accomplish over the summer?

  • Increase employee engagement.

  • Fast track your leadership development.

  •  Get back on track with your goals & supercharge your results.

  •  Improved self-awareness.

  •  Level up your mindset.

  •  Learn how to foster growth in your team.Become a catalyst for transformation.




  • You absolutely can take charge of your future! One person has the power to transform a culture and the trajectory of an organization. 
  • Go for that promotion without wondering if you have what it takes.
  • Level up your career and stand out from the competition. Add this cohort to your resume and walk into your next interview with the confidence you need to land that big leadership role.

Leadership By the Numbers:

  • 77% of organizations say that their leadership is lacking
  • 85% of businesses say that it is important to develop leaders at all levels.
  • But only 5% have implemented a leadership development program
  • 69% of millennials are concerned that their workplace does not develop their skills.
  • 85% of the workforce is actively disengaged
  • 70% of that disengagement comes from leadership 

Numbers are great but you might be thinking what does that have to do with me?

Most 1st time supervisors/managers are promoted around age 30.  However, most of these folks are not receiving any sort of development until age 42!  

That's unbelievable and certainly explains why 70% of employees are disengaged and 85% of that comes from their leader.

Are you that leader?  

Are you developing bad habits but don't even know it?

If your organization isn’t investing in your leadership development, then chances are high you are lacking the skills you need to move forward. 

On the flip side you might very well be getting leadership development where you work, but is it working?  Most programs are a one-size-fits-all approach and aren’t tailored to fit each person’s unique development needs.  There also a one and done event and that's not how it works.

Imagine saying you wanted to lose weight, get fit and healthier.  Then working out one time or eating one healthy meal but expecting change.  That's crazy!

More importantly, based on the numbers above you are probably feeling burned out, disengaged, and uninspired. 

If that’s the case, it’s going to be almost impossible to move yourself forward and reach your goals.

Not only that but did you know?  10,000 Baby Boomers, most of whom are occupying managerial positions, reach the mandatory retirement age of 65 every day. 

That means there is a crucial need for leaders who can take businesses into the future. 

Now is the time to take control of your future and own your leadership development.

Don't miss your chance to join this unique & engaging development cohort.  Enrollment is officially open!  Space is limited, take hold of your future and grab your spot now.    

Let's Go!

You have questions, I have the answers

I want to make sure you know what you are getting when you work with me. 

You can email me: [email protected]

Or Schedule a quick 15 minute chat here:

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